building a winning culture

Mindset Matters Blog

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How Three Teams Prepared for Major Change…and Thrived

How Three Teams Prepared for Major Change…and Thrived

Three managers recognized that as their teams faced upcoming changes, their responsibility was to fa...

Why You Might Want to Reconsider How You Select Your Managers

Why You Might Want to Reconsider How You Select Your Managers

Most companies select their managers by promoting their high performers. But here are a few reasons...

Want to Know Your Leadership Style? Check for This One Thing.

Want to Know Your Leadership Style? Check for This One Thing.

Often when identifying our leadership style, we think about our behaviors. But here’s why focusing...

Is There a Doctor in the House?

Is There a Doctor in the House?

To save your organization from cultural breakdown, pay attention to its mindset.

Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right…or a Profit

Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right…or a Profit

When divisions become competitors instead of collaborators, the whole company loses.

Correction—You’re Likely Doing It Wrong (If You’re Doing It at All)

Correction—You’re Likely Doing It Wrong (If You’re Doing It at All)

Leverage these four concepts to correct employees more effectively and easily.

How a Collaborative, Engaged, Caring Culture Generated New Business Models and Growth

How a Collaborative, Engaged, Caring Culture Generated New Business Models and Growth

In this case study, learn how O.C. Tanner, the industry leader in employee recognition, created a cu...

If I’m Seeing People as People, Do I Always Have to Help Them?

If I’m Seeing People as People, Do I Always Have to Help Them?

In Arbinger workshops, participants sometimes ask: If I’m seeing people as people, do I always hav...

How to Handle Detractors in a Change-Management Effort

How to Handle Detractors in a Change-Management Effort

Detractors can be the cause of considerable worry for leaders trying to implement organizational cha...