The Leadership Gold Standard: Introducing your blueprint to culture transformation​

The Arbinger Institute
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No matter how much has changed in the working world over the last few years, one thing remains constant: the pivotal role of leadership in shaping organizational culture. At Arbinger, we’ve seen firsthand that when an organization invests in their leadership team, the positive outcomes trickle all the way down throughout the organization. 

In fact, our recent research report revealed that 52% of those surveyed believe that leadership development has the greatest impact on improving an organization’s culture. Successful leadership development initiatives are also associated with a more positive outlook on business success, increases in revenue, and feelings of contributing meaningful work that makes an impact. 

For that reason, we wanted to dig in deeper and explore the profound impact leadership development has on an organization's success—and what leadership teams can do to propel culture transformation.

Exploring the value of leadership development and culture transformation at organizations

Leadership is not just a position—it's a catalyst for change. A positive company culture starts from the top down, making leaders the key to unlocking its benefits. So when it comes to questioning why to invest in leadership development, the answer is clear: it's crucial for yielding far-reaching benefits. 

We know that leadership development has the most significant impact on improving an organization's culture, but on top of that:

  • 80% of executives prioritize strengthening organizational leadership
  • Employees who undergo leadership training exhibit a remarkable 20% increase in performance
Leadership development statistic

These reasons alone should be enough to want to double down on your leadership development efforts, but it doesn’t stop there. 

The relationship between leadership and culture

Quality leadership isn't just a nice-to-have, it's essential for retaining your top talent. Without effective leadership, employees become disengaged, resulting in significant performance and retention issues. And the cost of replacing an employee can range from an additional 90% to 200% of their annual salary.

In addition, there’s matters of accountability, helpfulness, conflict resolution, relationship-building, and even corrective action–-all of which are a lot easier to make happen on the foundation of a strong culture

With all this in mind, investing in leadership development becomes an obvious choice. But then, the question becomes less about why than how. 

Leadership development in today's world of work

The workplace has undergone unprecedented changes in recent years. In challenging times, the need for strong leadership to steer the ship is paramount.

But if all this has you wondering, "Where do I start?"—we’ve got you covered. 

To answer all these questions and more, we published The Leadership Gold Standard: A Blueprint to Culture Transformation from the Top Down. In it, we provide a blueprint for culture transformation, beginning with leadership. 

Pillars of leadership development

The guide outlines seven core areas of leadership development:

  1. Develop accountable people: Research suggests that when we feel a sense of ownership over our work, it not only influences our feelings toward our organization; it actually makes us more helpful and generous toward others as well.
  2. Foster a culture of helpfulness: As a leader, it’s your job to foster a culture of helpfulness by encouraging employees to create more meaningful connections with those around them, and empowering them to work together in more productive and creative ways.
  3. Nurture employee engagement: Statistically, disengaged employees have an 18% lower productivity rate, and on average cost a company $3,400 for every $10,000 the employee makes. So naturally, every leader wants to strive for an engaged workforce.
  4. Transform conflict: Conflict at work can have far-reaching implications, affecting not only individual well- being but also team dynamics and overall productivity.
  5. Build relationships: A true high-performing team puts a premium on authenticity and interpersonal relationships, knowing that building strong connections with others is the key to achieving goals together.
  6. Recruit and retain top talent: Having the right people in your corner is crucial to achieving the results you desire—but attaining and retaining them is something that’s easier said than done.
  7. Take corrective action: Corrections aren’t a punishment, they demonstrate your organization’s commitment to upholding a standard, which in turn influences employee behavior and attitudes.

Transformation starts here

Leadership development is a necessity for organizations who are looking to transform any element of their organization’s culture. After all, leadership sets the tone for everything going on at your organization—from the smallest interactions to major strategic plans. 

Ready to take the first step? Get your free copy of The Leadership Gold Standard: A Blueprint to Culture Transformation from the Top Down.

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